Saturday 26 April 2014


靖国神社について何か記載は無いかと思い,標記報告書内を検索してみたのですが,これといって興味を覚えたものはありませんでした.ただ,たまたま終戦の詔勅の英訳や国務大臣たちの署名入りものの写真が掲載されているのを見つけたので,ここにご紹介する次第です.(なお,占領軍の宗教政策については,敢えてご紹介するまでもなく,ウィリアム・P. ウッダード 著, 阿部 美哉 訳『天皇と神道―GHQの宗教政策』,サイマル出版会,1988(Woodard, W., P., The Allied Occupation of Japan 1945-1952 and Japanese religions, Leiden: : Brill, 1972)を始め多くの文献が出版されているので,ご興味のある方はそれらをご参照下さい.)

   After pondering deeply the general trend of the World situation and the actual state of Our Empire, We have decided to effect a settlement of the present crisis by resort to all extraordinary measure. To Our good and loyal subjects, we hereby convey Our will.
   We have commanded Our Government to communicate to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, China and the Soviet Union that Our Empire accepts the terms of their Joint Declaration.
   To strive for the common prosperity and happiness of all nations as well as the security and well-being of Our subjects is the solemn obligation handed down to Us by Our Imperial Ancestors, and We keep it close to heart. Indeed, We declared war on America and Britain out of Our sincere desire to ensure Japan's self-preservation and the stabilization of East Asia. It was not Our intention either to infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations or to seek territorial aggrandizement.
   The hostilities have now continued for nearly four years. Despite the gallant fighting of the Officers and Men, of Our Army and Navy, the diligence and assiduity of Our servants of State, and the devoted service of Our hundred million subjects----despite the best efforts of all---the war has not necessarily developed in Our favor, and the general world situation also is not to Japan's advantage. Furthermore, the enemy has begun to employ a new and cruel bomb which kills and maims the innocent and the power of which to wreak destruction is truly incalculable.
   Should We continue to fight, the ultimate result would be not only the obliteration of the race but the extinction of human civilization. Then, how should We be able to save the millions of Our subjects and make atonement to the hallowed spirit of Our Imperial Ancestors? That is why We have commanded the Imperial Government to comply with the terms of the Joint Declaration of the Powers.
   To those nations which, as Our allies, have steadfastly cooperated with the Empire for the emancipation of East Ana, We cannot but express Our deep regret. Also, the thought of Our subjects who have fallen, on the field of battle or met untimely death while performing their appointed tasks, and the thought of their bereaved families, rends Our heart, and We feel profound solicitude for the wounded and for all war-sufferers who have lost their home and livelihood.
   The suffering and hardship which Our nation yet must undergo will certainly be great. We are keenly aware of the innermost feelings of all ye, Our subjects. However, it is according to the dictates of time and fact that We have resolved, by enduring the unendurable and bearing the unbearable, to pave the way for a grand peace for all generation to come.
   Since it has been possible to preserve the structure of the Imperial State, We shall always be with ye, Our good and loyal subjects, placing Our trust in your sincerity and integrity. Beware most strictly of any outburst of emotion which may engender needless complications, and refrain from fraternal contension(sic) and strife which may create confusion, lead ye astray and cause ye to lose the confidence of the world. Let the nation continue as one family from generation to generation with unwavering faith in the imperishability of Our divine land and ever mindful of its heavy burden of responsibility and the long road ahead. Turn your full strength to the task of building a new future. Cultivate the ways of rectitude, foster nobility of spirit, and work with resolution so that ye may enhance the innate glory of the Imperial State and keep pace with the progress of the World. We charge ye, Our loyal subjects, to carry out faithfully Our will.*1)

同じく英訳の画像.*3) 国務大臣の名前が記されていますが,報告書内に引用にある最後の一文("We charge ye, Our loyal subjects, to carry out faithfully Our will."が抜けています.日本語文の「爾臣民其レ克ク朕カ意ヲ體セヨ」に対応する箇所です.)

そして,最後は,国務大臣自筆の署名が付された日本語の詔書です.*4) 首相経験者で,当時,副総理格だった米内海相の署名が鈴木首相の左隣に見えます.その次の松阪司法大臣を挟んで阿南陸相の署名が見えますが,迫水書記官長らによって作成された草稿にあった「戦勢日二非二シテ」という表現の訂正を阿南陸相が強硬に要求したのに対し,米内海相が「絶対に直してはいかん」と主張したことが伝えられています.当該箇所は,最終的には鈴木首相の取りなしで「戦局必スシモ好転セス」に変更されました.*5)


帝國臣民ニシテ戰陣ニ死シ職域ニ殉シ非命ニ斃レタル者及其ノ遺族ニ想ヲ致セハ 五内為ニ裂ク且戰傷ヲ負ヒ災禍ヲ蒙リ家業ヲ失ヒタル者ノ厚生ニ至リテハ朕ノ深ク軫念スル所ナリ

Also, the thought of Our subjects who have fallen, on the field of battle or met untimely death while performing their appointed tasks, and the thought of their bereaved families, rends Our heart, and We feel profound solicitude for the wounded and for all war-sufferers who have lost their home and livelihood.
ここで「且」は"..., rends Our heart,"に続く"and"によって訳されていると思いますが,この"and"の後の部分で言及されているのは,前の部分とは別のカテゴリーのように理解するのが自然に思えます.つまり,前半では戦闘中若しくは勤労動員中に亡くなった人々,そして後半では,それ以外のすべての戦災の苦しみを経験した人(all war-sufferers),言い換えれば,すべての戦争の被害者というように受け取るのが素直な読み方と言えるのではないでしょうか.



*2) Ibid. p729
*3) Ibid. p730

*4) Ibid. p731
*5) 阿川弘之『米内光政 下巻』,東京,新潮社,1978年,pp188f
*6) 佐藤卓巳,孫安石『東アジアの終戦記念日』(ちくま新書669),東京,筑摩書房,2007,pp14ff

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