Saturday 3 May 2014

Memo for intensive German course

Bücher (Nebenlehrmittel):
  • Fleer, S., Langenscheidt Kurzgrammatik Deutsch, Berlin et al., 2008★
  • de Weck, C., Grimm, A., Rechtschreiben mit links, Zürich, 2006
  • Heuer, W., Flückiger, M., Gallmann, P., Richtiges Deutsch (26. Aufl.), Zürich, 2004
  • Visuelles Woerterbuch Japanisch-Deutsch, München, 2012★
  • German-English Visual Bilingual Dictionary, München, 2005 
  • Mastering German Vocabulary: A Thematic Approach, New York, 1995
  • PONS Bildwörterbuch★(Dictionnaire visuel for French study, if needed.)
  • Duden★
  • Glosbe 日本語辞書オンライン)
  • Best of ARTE Journal★(22 or 23 min., once a week. For getting used to listen German, and for staying informed of the news on Europe and the World. In case the student prefers to watch the local TV news, he can also try to watch die Aktuelle Stunde on WDR's site once a day, but it's too long, 45 min., and therefore quite tiring, )
  • ARTE Journal Junior★(13 min., once a week for children 8 to 12 years old.)
  • Tagesschau in 100 Sekunden on ARD (Short version of TV news once a day.)
(N.B.: As to the keyboard layout, the student can set either to German, as mainly used in Germany, or to Swiss German, which are practically same. Still it's worthy to note that the 106 keyboard used in Japan does not have AltGr key found on both above mentioned, which, held down, enables to type @ and other special characters.) 
  • Placing an order to (Simulation)
  • Subscription to some news media's email newsletter
  • Purchase of a train ticket on DB's site (Simulation) and also on other railway companies' sites, i.e. SBB, ÖBB
  • Finding by using the DB's search system train (and city public transport) connection from the nearest station to the office
  • Downloading some applications, news magazine, etc., into tablet PC or smartphone
  • Finding articles offered at the most advantageous price by using price comparison sites (Preisvergleich, etc.)
  • Reserving a package tour on some travel agencies' sites, ex. LTUR (Simulation) (LTUR does not accept payment by any credit card, so far as I know, issued in Japan, instead they accept PayPal online payment.)
  • Finding the cheapest flight by using fright price comparison sites, ex.
  • Other sites possibly meeting the student's personal interests:, fotoMAGAZINE, Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen, ARC Ratingen Tennis...
Sonstiges (Antwort zu der vom Student gestellte Frage) :

I have the impression to some extent that German people like discussion or arguing in general, and some people are quite interested in knowing specific aspects of Japan and its people, for instance the elements forming the very basis of our mentality and so on. It may even happen that you are engaged in a discussion with them on the spirituality or more precisely the religiosity of Japanese people. So with regards to that, it is important to have some knowledge on those subjects and to be ready to express your point of view or opinion clearly, structuring it with enough logic.

On the other hand, it's recommended to anticipate the image of Japan and its people created in their mind on the basis of the information provided recently by European news media. In this sens also I would recommend to read Japan Herausforderung ohne Ende (Japan's Endless Challenge) of Hans Wilhelm Vahlefeld1, which provides some hints to understand the image they have about us and also an example of schematic explanation on how old spiritual traditions, rooted deeply in our soul, are dictating, both consciously and unconsciously, our stance and behavior in business activities.

Also it may be useful to know that many European people are against the whaling still undertaken by Japanese, and they are very keen of infringement or abuse of human rights. That's the basic reason for which for many European news media, reporting executions of capital punishment is of great importance, even the cases taking place in foreign countries, for instance in Japan or in USA. The problem of comfort women during WWII forced to prostitute by Japanese army is treated as belonging to the same category. You may also be asked, furthermore, about what's going on now at the Fukushima nuclear plant site, the Japan's nuclear politics and your opinion about their legitimacy or adequateness.

Perhaps to the eyes of Europeans, what Japanese or its government are doing and stating in the international scene are not easy to understand, in the sense that European people cannot see according to which standard or principles Japanese are behaving. So it is important even in your business to be capable to explain clearly the reason of your decision, which must be consistent with the principles you have adopted.

1. Stuttgart, DVA, 1992(ハンス・W・ファーレフェルト,出水宏訳『儒教が生んだ経済大国』,東京,文春秋社,1992) 

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