Saturday 7 July 2018



日本人の精神文化の根底を成しているのは,心霊信仰("Spiritualism"),あるいは御霊(ごりょう)信仰と呼ばれるもので,こうした凶悪な犯罪の犠牲となり,無念の死を遂げた人々の魂は,なかなか安らぎを覚えない,彼らの怒りを鎮めるための手段として,死刑は有効な手段です.現代の法制度の枠内の仇討ですから.(明治時代でも,一定期間の間は仇討は認められていました.私の父方の祖母は,東京で生まれ育ちましたが,彼女の父の仇を仲間や親族が討ったときの話を,かなりドラマチックに語り聞かされた記憶があります.) そして,彼らの怒りを鎮めないまま放置しておくと,この世に生きる人々に災害をもたらすと言う信仰です.

The death penalty will never be banned in Japan because of the firm belief commonly shared, even today, by the Japanese people (Goryô), which resembles the western spiritualism in some regards. In fact, the death penalty in Japan is a rite whose purpose is to calm the wrath of the victims, which will turn, otherwise, into some malicious spiritual power capable to cause embarrassing or huge problems to the individuals living in this world or to groups concerned, such as natural disaster in the worst case. And those groups include not only the murderers but eventually also the families or relatives of the victims, if the latter ignore the complaints and the claims of the departed souls, i.e. the death, in the least, of their murderers. In the mind of Japanese, there is no belief in a transcending god, the executor of the justice absolutely and eternally right, such as God in western or Arabic world. The main god of each Japanese local community is nothing else than the amalgam of the ancestors of the people living in it. And those amalgams will feel and think in the same way as living human beings.

フランス,Le Figaro.
フランス,Le Monde.
フランス,Le Courrier international.
スイス,NZZ (新チューリヒ新聞)
ドイツ,Die Welt.

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